01 April 2014
Diablo III : Crusader Class

The Crusader is a new class for Diablo III . Resourceful and resilient, Crusaders are an entirely different breed of holy warriors, train...

01 June 2013
Mists of Pandaria Guide: Beastmaster Hunter in PvE

As a Beastmaster Hunter your role in a group is to provide some serious DPS. However in addition to DPS there are several other a...

20 June 2009
Age of Conan Dark Templar Guide

Dark Templar Facts and InfosCompiled by Leinez This little guide is a compiled collection of important Dark Templar facts and threads from ...

20 June 2008
World of Warcraft: Hit Rating, Expertise and Defense skill for PvE

There are three combat mechanics that have a direct bearing on the Feral Druid in PvE at level 70, and each have a functional upper limit o...
