The World of Warcraft®: The War Within™ beta test begined 6 June. As we may know, The War Within will be lauched on August 26, 2024, and brings a wealth of new content. The War Within will be the first entry in the WoW Worldsoul Saga, a campaign described as a “grand adventure 20 years in the making, which is definitely something to look forward to. Then, what new features can we expect in the first phase of The War Within? Let’s dive into the official announcement and BETA test content to find out.

Heroes in The War Within
Several of Azeroth’s greatest heroes will rise to the call of the Radiant Song, and many will face their own unique challenges along the way.
Anduin Wrynn: Having survived his ordeal with Domination, Anduin was left alone by his guilt and fear of facing his subjects. Anduin will have to deal with the Holy Light, which he no longer feels worthy of.

Thrall: He is seeking a connection to the visions spreading across the world while also working to find his new place within the Horde.
Magni Bronzebeard: As the Speaker of Azeroth, he will confront the heavy weight of that responsibility, accompany the players, and help them complete the challenges.
Alleria Windrunner: Her journey will be central to the events and themes of the War Within. As a Void Hunter, she must do everything she can to hunt down Xal’atath while being torn between her own nature and the maddening call of the Void to which she is attuned. During this adventure, she will develop a unique rivalry with Xal’atath, whose twists and turns will come to define the nature of this new conflict.
New Zones – Azeroth Underworld
The Isle of Dorn
Discover the land of Khaz Algar, off the western shores of Pandaria and home to the Earthen. Their capital city, Dornogal, will become the new meeting ground for the Horde and Alliance.

The Ringing Deep
This gigantic cavern serves as the home of the Machine Speakers, who maintain the gigantic Titan machines of old.
This underground realm, illuminated by a massive central crystal, is home to the Arathi people, who are engaged in an ongoing war with the Nerubian insect race.
The pinnacle of Nerubian society where Xal’atath, Harbinger of the Void, has been gathering and mutating Nerubian forces to create an unstoppable army.
Reminder: For players who are concerned about entering into a space filled with spiders, there will be an arachnophobia filter that can be turned on which will convert spider creatures into crabs.
New Races
A New Allied Race, The Earthen – is unlocked by completing quests and can be selected by the Alliance and the Horde. It has new racial skills and characteristics. The available classes include Demon Hunter, Evoker, Druid, and 10 other options.

Harronir, A New Race in The War Within –There is currently limited information available about this race. It looks a bit like a combination of trolls and elves, and players may not have to wait too long to find out more.
Dungeon & Raids
There will be 4 level-up dungeons and 4 maximum-level dungeons that are available in each of the four new zones.
Level-Up Dungeons
- The Rookery
- The Stonevault
- Priory of the Sacred Flame
- City of Threads
Maximum Level Dungeons
- Cinderbrew Meadery
- Darkflame Cleft
- The Dawnbreaker
- Old City
If you don’t want to use the Dungeon Finder and explore dungeons with other players, you can continue the campaign story with Follower Dungeons, which will be available to play through in all level-up dungeons.

Nerub’ar Palace Raid Dungeon
Located in Azj-Kahet, the Nerub’ar Palace raid dungeon will offer eight boss encounters. Challenging the team dungeon will lead us to the culmination of the story, and defeating the bosses will reward us with higher-level items.
New Hero Talents
Each specialization has two Hero Talent trees they can choose between, which are inspired by famous prototypes in the Warcraft universe. The advanced talent tree will allow the character to reach a new peak of ability.

Flying System
Dynamic flight, also known as Dragonriding, is a new way to fly in World of Warcraft Dragonflight Patch 11.0. When The War Within launches, all 464 mounts will be able to perform dynamic flight, but not all dragonriding talents may be added to the new dynamic flight system. The ability to switch between regular and dynamic flying is a cool addition, which greatly improves the efficiency of the journey.
The above content is not all, and there is also exploration, teams, new battlefields, professional skills, and even racial talents and skills. As the BETA test progresses and Darkness Call approaches, more new content will be presented, so let’s wait and see!